Arrested Development Season 4 – Not So Great

Like a lot of fans I was thrilled to hear about ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT coming back for another season – and on the pioneering platform of Netflix, too! But I was also filled with trepidation. It’s been too long I thought. The magic can’t come back. Michael Cera is too old. Portia De Rossi is too happy in her married life. And Justin Bateman is having too much fun making mediocre feature films. It won’t work.

Sadly, I was right, but not because of the fault of the still brilliant ensemble cast. Unfortunately, the actors are given much to work with. The constant flashbacks just don’t work. Well…besides pissing off the viewer. There are too many and do little to propel the story forward. And it’s hard to know what the producers were thinking with the weird Ron Howard storyline. It just recreated a sad going nowhere trip for Michael – and the audience.

<p>Ron Howard as himself and Jason Bateman as Michael Bluth in "Arrested Development."</p>

Overall, it still doesn’t suck to schedule a binge watching of the fourth season. You just won’t enjoy it as much as the first three.

What did you think? Like the Netflix versions?

2 thoughts on “Arrested Development Season 4 – Not So Great”

  1. Oh no! I was really looking forward to the new season, but I think you’ve done me a favour. I’ll modify my ridiculously high expectations and hopefully still enjoy it. And still binge watch it.

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