Scott Pilgrim vs. The World – Michael Cera is Irresistible

Okay – I’m going to admit it, I HEART Michael Cera. I can’t help it. I just do. Ever since Superbad I really like him. Some say his breakout role was Juno, but since that film’s writing was mostly ripping off song lyrics I have to say that it was Superbad that I first started my little crush.

Now, he stars in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World a great adaptation from the comic series by Bryan Lee O’Malley.  Directed by Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead) the movie is a little like other films that have been brought to the big screen from the comic book arena, mainly Ghost World, but this time it’s…well, really entertaining. Cera plays Scott Pilgrim who falls for the doe-eyed Ramona (Mary Elizabeth Winstead – who you might remember from Sky High). In order to prove his love he has to fight her “seven evil-exes”.  I know…it sounds like it would never work, but it does…beautifully.

Michael Cera’s biggest strength is his comic timing. He zings his lines out with quite a punch and yet, they never feel over done or forced. I think that’s why I like him so much. Even with the nerdiness he has brought to his roles lately, he is funny. And let’s face it…there is nothing more attractive than humor.

Go see Scott Pilgrim. It’s a great escape. It’s fun. And it will make you laugh. What’s better than that?

Finally! A True Screwball Comedy Makes Its Way To DVD

For all you that own a Blu-ray player ( I have yet to to join the bandwagon…I know, its shameful.) then the recently released What’s Up, Doc? should be at the top of your list.  The 1972 Peter Bogdanovich homage to screwball comedies is my favorite Barbra Streisand film next to Funny Girl and is easily one of Ryan O’Neal’s must likable performances.

I hold this movie in a special place. After a rather difficult relocation, I found myself in an empty apartment with no radio, working TV cable – nothing to satisfy a really obsessive need for noise…or maybe it was just the need to hear voices…don’t know which. Anyway, I unpacked the rabbit ears to my portable TV and luckily it picked up the local PBS channel that was showing What’s Up, Doc? It was the perfect pick-me-up.

The plot, expertly crafted by Buck Henry, David Newton and Robert Benton, includes mayhem and romance. The story is a true lesson in conflict, pace and cause and effect. It’s when funny was just plain funny and didn’t rely on slapstick. Oh…the good ‘ol days. But mostly it’s the hilarious performance of Madeline Kahn combined with directorial sensibilities of older movies such as Bringing Up Baby, His Girl Friday and The Philadelphia Story that make this romp in San Francisco totally enjoyable.   A truly entertaining movie, it’s hard to believe that nothing gets blown up, no one gets shot and there’s not an obligatory boob shot to be found. Amazing, huh?

Housewives of DC – Yawn

Thanks to Whoopi Goldberg and the frenzy that ensued when she dared to ask the DC Housewife Michaele Salahi (yeah…you know her, the party crasher, but her and her husband are like…god forbid, the grownup versions of Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt) appearing on THE VIEW to answer the question of whether or not she was indeed invited to the White House shindig she’s accused of crashing, I actually watched the first episode of HOUSEWIVES OF DC.  It’s an hour of my life I will never get back. What a yawn.

It’s like MTV’s THE REAL WORLD – but starring middle-aged women with children who have married money and have no problem spending it.  They’re so ill-equipped to deal with their own insecurities that they can only express their envy as contempt. This goes for the almost all branches of HOUSEWIVES – Orange County, Jersey, New York, and I’m sure it will appear in the latest installment – Beverly Hills.

The DC Housewives offer no real inside look into Washington society, because the Housewives have no access.  Why would they? Anybody in the center of Washington society is going to steer clear of this show. That’s why it’s such a bore…it offers nothing except showing us that even in DC ladies can drink too much and act a fool.  So why tune in to see these silly women when you can watch Snookie slam a beer and fall down…over and over again.

RACHEL ZOE PROJECT – Very Suspicious This Season

THE RACHEL ZOE PROJECT premiered last night on Bravo. I like what they have done in previous seasons and with the departure of the very likeable and very irritable Taylor Jacobson, it was highly anticipated to learn “the truth about Taylor.”

It’s just really unfortunate that Rachel, her husband, and employees, including Brad (who spent the previous seasons trying to keep up with Taylor) are busy creating spin to discredit and malign Taylor and her four-year history working with Rachel – tearing up her picture and throwing it in the fireplace? Really? That was necessary?  The show features some actual styling of a Vanity Fair photo shoot (it doesn’t hurt that Demi Moore makes a cameo), but the majority of the show is spent in a tirade of all the bad mojo that Taylor brought to the table – and revealing in a completely contrived way that Taylor stole from the company resulting in her firing – not her quitting. (Taylor Jacobson states she quit the company and her career hasn’t suffered much since she’s now working for herself and doing pretty well.)

Plain and simple, there’s too much backpedaling with the Taylor story. Anybody who watched the previous seasons knows that Rachel is a big pile of silly and has no skills in running a business. All of the attention devoted to discrediting Taylor actually casts suspicion on all of Rachel Zoe and company. And if this is what the show has in store all season, then sorry Bravo – I won’t be watching what happens.

Eat Pray Love – I’d Rather Shampoo Rinse Repeat

I won’t be seeing Eat Pray Love. Nope, you can’t make me. Even with all the relentless television and radio ads.  Even though it’s co-written and directed by the highly successful GLEE co-creator Ryan Murphy. Unfortunately, his attempts at feature film are well…meh. His last turn in movies was the adaptation of Augusten Burrough’s Running with Scissors – apparently Mr. Murphy has an affinity for memoirs.  But other than some golden moments between Annette Bening and Alec Baldwin – the two should really make another movie together – Running with Scissors failed in weaving a believable story about a young man trying to find his way without a map out of the most bizarre world he inhabits. In fact, since the adaptation was released, Mr. Burrough’s has admitted to “embellishing” his memoir – a problem with the genre since the exposure of all the lies included in the work of James Frey’s A Million Little Pieces.

Now, I’m not saying that Elizabeth Gilbert lied in her highly successful memoir. As a writer she’s enormously talented. Her ability to form an effective narrative is extraordinary. And they don’t award the Pushcart to slackers. I believe her when she tells of lying in her bathroom and crying about her marriage, her life, blah, blah, blah.  But there are basically two camps when it comes to Gilbert’s work – those who believe it is a masterpiece in self-reflection, and those who think it is an indulgent, whiny tirade with little self discovery and too much observation.  I fall in the latter camp.

Here’s the thing – everybody whines. It should be a title of a REM song. And I’ll admit I’m pretty biased. You see, even though I didn’t go on my own global journey, I had a good trip to the hospital emergency room where I lay dying of a pulmonary embolism.  That was enough to put my whining in check. Now instead of spending time on my couch, pondering all the things wrong in my life, I think, “Why didn’t I die? Why am I here? Why am I alive?” I know…that’s deep…and those questions, believe me, are much easier to deal with while hooked up to a Morphine pump. But once the pump is gone…well, let’s just say one is left dazed and confused. It’s still not enough to make me pack up and go on some trip around the world to miraculously discover the answers to all my questions…to help in writing my story. Or see a movie about someone who tells her tale of how every question was answered with a magical adventure.

No, there will be no Eat Pray Love for me. Instead, I’ll Shampoo Rinse Repeat. That’s right. I’m taking a shower. I’m going to wash clean and start again.  That may sound really simple – bordering on Scarlett O’Hara’s, “Tomorrow is another day!” And so far I’m no closer to any answers in my story. In fact, I still have moments on the couch questioning – everything.  But the shower is always there and maybe someday I’ll get an answer. Or…maybe not…hopefully though, I will. Fingers crossed!